Meet Dr. Peter J. Shield PhD
"A real Indiana Jones!"
Dr. Shield has lived in 225 Cities in 25 Countries (over 20% of the World) in his short 85 years! From October 1st. 2019 Dr. Shield will be returning to Spain and residing in Almeria.
Described by the Smithsonian Institutes Atomic Testing Museum as a "Real Indiana Jones" Dr. Shield is one of their distinguished lecturers.
A lifetime of Archaeological research
It was in Malta, where I had spent 5 wonderful years at the end of my military career working with the archaeological Dept. of Cambridge University on the excavation of Malta's remarkable St. Agatha's Catacombs with Dr. David Trump and the wonderful Fr. Victor Camilleri who remained a dear friend for 50 odd years until his untimely demise on December 15,2011.
During those 5 years I was privileged to photograph and record all the archaeological sites on the islands of Malta and Gozo, including the amazing G’gantija (3,600 – 3,000 B.C.), the earliest freestanding stone monument built by man. It pre dates the pyramids of Egypt and are older than England’s Stonehenge. I have spent considerable time at Stonehenge in the 50’s and again in 1988. My work for the then Maltese Government Information Department from 1955 – 1960 also included recording all the treasures left by the Knights and displayed in the museums and Churches on the Islands. During my two-year return visit to the Island to write my book “Malta – Mediterranean Jewel”, and complete my degree certification I was privileged to design a photo marketing program for Malta’s most frequently visited Archaeological sites. I filmed a pilot program at “Ghar Dalam” the cave of Darkness, for my World of Unexplained Mysteries (Malta) television series. My work on the remarkable “Shroud of Turin” Mystery resulted in the re mastering of my interviews with the Sturp group, researching the results of their investigative study conducted in 80's into the authenticity of this amazing artifact. In my 80 odd years I have had the opportunity to work and visit archaeological sites in China, Cyprus, Australia, Central and South America, Ireland, Great Briton, Spain, Japan, Taiwan, and Cambodia, to name but a few.
During the 80’s, an Exhibition of my replica artifacts from the Louvre Museum toured Australia and was also used as the basis of my presentation of the Howard Carter Story to Australian High School Students.
For the past few years I have had the privilege to work alongside the amazing Dr. Lonnie Hammargren, and consider it an honor to call him a close friend.
My latest book (No.10) has just been published "The Maltese Shroud" and is available on Kindle and
Dr. Peter J. Shield PhD
Lecture Titles Available:
"Visitors from Space - A reality Check!"
"St. Agatha’s Catacombs - Rabat Malta."
The worlds greatest unexplained mystery ("The Sacred Shroud of Turin")
The Other 'Monte Cristo' - Malta Mediterranean Jewel
3 Countries in 7 Days. Egypt and the Sinai Desert!
"Timeshare - you bought What?!
"Nothing happens until someone sells something"